Apparently Apple Watch Can Be Used Self without the iPhone, Here's Some Functions!

Apparently Apple Watch Can Be Used Self without the iPhone, Here's Some Functions!

Next April, Apple began to serve Apple's sales of smart watches Watch hers. In particular, Apple Watch the clock is provided to the users of iOS devices. But if the smart watches can not be used independently?

Calm down, it turns out though does not have an iPhone, Apple Watch could work, though of course limited. The smart watches can not connect to the internet. And for internet data connectivity, Apple Watch take the signal from the iPhone. So there will be some applications that can not be used in Apple Watch. And on the other hand, there are some applications that can be used independently, the following are some of them.

Timer and alarm

As a watch, of course, Apple Watch can be used for a timepiece as well as regular wristwatch. In addition, Apple's Watch would also be used for alarm. However, not connected with the iPhone, then the clock in these watches can not be adapted to global standards.

Monitor fitness and health

Tracking the condition of the body and sports activities can also be done even without having to connect to the iPhone. Things that can be done include a heart rate monitor, the number of footsteps that have been made, the number of stairs that climb and sit-stand ratio. Because they can not run the GPS function, the smart watches is not capable of calculating mileage.

Music and photos

This smart watches have a storage capacity of 2GB that can be used to store music files or photos. Armed with a Bluetooth headset, then this smart watches can also be used for listening to music.

Remote control Apple TV and iTunes

Apple TV Remote application is installed by default on these smart watches. Thus, the owners of Apple Watch can directly use it to control the Apple TV from the wrist. In addition, Apple Watch can also be used to control iTunes and iTunes Radio on the computer.

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