Hard Disk WD Re 3,5 Inci

COMPANY leading technology from the United States, Western Digital (WD) has introduced some of the latest products of hard disk datacenter which provides a modern datacenter architects with a size of 3.5 inches high capacity WD ie Re.

WD Re is the product of the hard disk or the latest WD hard drive with a storage capacity of 6 Tera Byte (TB) for the storage needs of the datacenter and cloud computing (cloud) which is the greater. Re WD hard drives are also designed to handle up to 550 TB per year in data center applications with high intensity.

They offer a user interface (interface) SATA with transfer speeds of up to 6 Gb per second. WD Re has sustained sequential data rate of up to 225 MB per second and provide the performance and reliability needed any datacenter.

"With a data center capabilities and reliable performance on our latest product which Re WD hard drives, WD Re + can provide large storage capacity and save power and user fees," said Senior Vice President of Storage Technology WD, Matt Rutledge.

WD Re is the next generation of data center line of the previous WD WD Se which provides provides the ability spectrum, able to quickly access the applications, power optimization and cost-saving.

In the WD Re embedded dual processor that can perform data processing twice as fast. Re WD has the capability specifically designed for these high-quality (high end) and large-scale datacenter running 24x7x365.

Re WD has a number of advanced features such as vibration protection, dual actuator technology, StableTrac, multi-axis shock sensor, Time Limited Error Recovery (TLER), NoTouch Ramp Load, Thermal Test Extended Burn-In, and 3D Active Balance Plus

indonesian version

PERUSAHAAN teknologi terkemuka asal Amerika Serikat, Western Digital (WD) telah memperkenalkan beberapa produk hard disk datacenter terbaru yang memberikan arsitek datacenter modern dengan ukuran 3,5 inci berkapasitas tinggi yakni WD Re.

WD Re adalah produk hard disk atau hard drive terbaru WD dengan kapasitas penyimpanan sebesar 6 Tera Byte (TB) untuk kebutuhan datacenter dan penyimpanan komputasi awan (cloud) yang semakin besar. Hard drive WD Re juga dirancang untuk menangani hingga 550 TB per tahun dalam aplikasi datacenter dengan intensitas-tinggi.

Mereka menawarkan tampilan antarmuka (interface) SATA dengan kecepatan transfer hingga 6 Gb per detik. WD Re memiliki tingkat data sekuensial berkelanjutan hingga 225 MB per detik dan memberikan kinerja serta kehandalan yang dibutuhkan datacenter apapun.

"Dengan kemampuan sebagai data center dan kinerja yang handal pada produk terbaru kami yakni hard drive WD Re, WD Re+ dapat memberikan kapasitas penyimpanan yang besar serta menghemat daya dan biaya pengguna,” kata Senior Vice President Storage Technology WD, Matt Rutledge.

WD Re merupakan generasi penerus dari jajaran data center WD sebelumnya yakni WD Se yang menyediakan menyediakan kemampuan spektrum, mampu mengakses aplikasi dengan cepat, optimasi daya dan menghemat biaya.

Di dalam WD Re ditanamkan dual prosesor sehingga dapat melakukan proses pengolahan data dua kali lipat lebih cepat. WD Re memiliki kemampuan yang khusus dirancang untuk kualiatas tinggi (high end) dan  datacenter dengan skala besar yang berjalan 24x7x365.

WD Re memiliki sejumlah fitur canggih seperti perlindungan getaran, teknologi aktuator ganda, stabletrac, multi axis shock sensor, Time Limited Error Recovery (TLER), NoTouch Ramp Load, Test Thermal Extended Burn-In, dan 3D Active Balance Plus

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