The Story Behind the Photo Syrian boy Lift Hand

Thousands of internet users have spread photograph of a Syrian boy who raised his hands because he thought the camera directed at him was a firearm. How is the story behind the photo?

Circulation hectic photo Syrian boy bangs hair and chubby cheeks in the virtual world can not be separated from the role of Nadia Abu Shaban. Photojournalist based in Gaza, Palestine, that the photo spread via Twitter on Tuesday (3/24/2015) ago.

"A photo journalist perpetuate this photo Syrian boy. The boy was thinking the photojournalist at gunpoint, not the camera, so he gave up," Nadia wrote in his Twitter account.

Since uploaded into cyberspace on Tuesday, the photo has been retweeted 11,000 times. Then, when uploaded on Reddit networking, photo received 1,600 comments and 5,000 votes.

"I cry", "Sad is not playing", and "human failure" is the plural comments written netizens commenting on the photo.

Even so, not infrequently internet users who blamed the photo or deliberately contrived hoax. The accusation was addressed considering no photographer's name on the photo.

When the BBC asked it to Nadia Abu Shaban, he admitted he was not that capture the moment. He also could not explain the identity of the photographer who took the picture.

Bright spots begin to appear when a user Imgur, a special site for sharing photos, linking the photo in a newspaper clipping Turkey. The name of the photographer in the picture clipping is Osman Sagirli.

Refugee camp

BBC then track the whereabouts Sagirli. He was now working in Tanzania and the photo he just caught while covering the Syrian conflict to the newspaper Turkiye, last December 2014.

According to him, the boy who he actually shoot a little girl named Hudea. Four-year-old boy was a child refugee families in refugee camps in Syria Atmeh, as far as 10 kilometers from the border with Turkey. The boy arrived at the camp with his mother and two siblings after traveling as far as 150 kilometers from their home in the city of Hama, Syria.

"When I use a telephoto lens, and he believed it was a weapon. I realized she was very scared when I took the photo because he pursed his lips and raised his hands. Generally, children run and hide their faces or smiles while looking at the camera," said Sagirli.

While covering the conditions in the camp, Sagirli admitted to being aware of the situation of actual conflict.

"In the camp there are people who are scattered from their homeland. More striking view of their suffering not by adults, but by children. Therefore, children giving away their innocence," he said.

Hudea photo first appeared in the newspaper Turkiye in January. The photo was spread among social media users Turkey at that time. However, a new image is circulated to the rest of the world a few months later

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