Will Google search method Changed

Will Google search method Changed
Will Google search method Changed
Will Google search method Changed

Google plans to use a new algorithm for their search engine, the search system will be slightly different.
Search methods later optimized for sites with mobile friendly. No matter whether the user is doing a search on the computer or tablet, the optimal sites for mobile phones will be prioritized.
Google did not specify in detail what is considered the site as they are friendly to mobile phones, but the search engine that provides a special page to test whether the site is suitable for mobile users.
The new algorithm is to be implemented on 21 April 2015 and will apply to search worldwide. As quoted from the official Google blog, Monday (30/3).
Although only be effective from the next few weeks, but Google has spread 'Googlebot' to browse sites that are considered suitable for inclusion top list of their search.
Changes in Google's search method is not the first time this has happened, this year at least Google has begun to implement two different systems.
In February 2015 ago Google announced that it has collaborated with Twitter content. Now, what dikicaukan the microblogging users, can trace its existence via Google

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