5 Fear When Want Beyond Yourself

Who would not want to be a better person? Not cuman gini-gini aja run it live. Yup, people who make so much more than we imagine, we still have to have also the name of a great dream, to be realized. Because to have a big dream, agan and aganwati can surpass yourself to the maximum.

Not easy to surpass themselves, because many really fear that prevents us make so people who was really we want. It makes us feel so ordinary people wrote and not those that stand in an environment. Well, this ane jelasin some fear that could prevent us to be able to surpass themselves,

1. Not Dare to Try

Well have big dreams but do not ever try to make it happen. Got a big dream but the dream doang cuman considered that do not need the same diwujudin aja gan lie. This busy routines that run it made us say, or fear of failure that would befall, we do not make bold moves.
Try it yourself ane gan overshoots slowly realize his dream. No need ngoyo, but slowly and regularly. Various reasons should be omitted if weve agan want to try, there's no harm in trying anyway, which is important agan have no intention really want to try something new.

2. Fear of Being Different

Make so people who can do more often demands that we become different people. Why gan? Because not everyone can go beyond himself. When 99 people answered "sorry gan, ane can not", just have one person who can say "could ane". So many people do not have the courage to be different, to have a dream that can not agan wujudin considered.

3. Feeling Many Disadvantages

People can not go beyond themselves that too many think if they tuh have many shortcomings. Ouch day gini still look in doang deficiency, excess clay deh try agan. For example ya, one glass of water half, then agan clay cuman doang endless, not look in the water that remains. Mikirin excess agan also need anyway, and how to do it memaksimalin excess gan to surpass oneself.

4. mikirnya Cuman Important Can Eat and Live Doang

"Yaah if ane still important to eat every day aja gan happy", haduh which begian again. Statements like this nih gan actually selfish. He was not thinking about the family, let alone thinking about thinking about loved ones of others. If agan can transcend themselves and realize his dream, of course really useful self-agan cuman not alone, but also for the family, those closest and others gan. Watch as Steve Jobs, with ideas and thoughts is not cuman make him so rich, but also inspire and transform the world gan.

5. Beyond Yourself It's Not Probably

Wahduh now that the pikirin is beyond themselves into people who klebih it is not possible dilakuin. Fears like this make us do not move on. Nih ane cation example, watch as mba Rini Lewis, he could become a successful Indonesian animators create animated movie in Hollywood, "The Adventures Of Tintin" and is now busy ngeerjain animation for the film "The Avengers". Tuh gan, is one example of if not there are not possible if agan want to work hard and earnestly.

So still afraid for his dream? Fear can not go beyond themselves become more? Then want to live the so-so gan? #Exceeds Whistles and able to bring Indonesia to do better.

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