Cats Save the boy from the Oven Heat

Cats Save the boy from the Oven Heat

A cat in the UK was able to perform heroic acts. He not only can save a toddler from a burning heat of the oven, but also to save his father slapped baby. Heroic action of the cat captured in a video uploaded to YouTube.

As reported by the Mirror, cat rescuer infant of violence came when out and convinced the baby was slapped her father. Hairy black cat showing off her maternal instincts after hearing a man hard pressed to her baby with a baby seat, saying "naughty baby" repeatedly.

The cat was jumping and scratching the baby's father a few times. Even the cat threw himself toward the father who refused to stop hitting the baby. The cat did it repeatedly until the father stopped torturing her baby. The cat also managed to claw arm baby's father who then screamed in pain it.

The cat heroic action video uploaded to YouTube by VideoSamorodki on March 29 and has been viewed 98 800 times.

That's not the only heroic cat. Other video shows a cat rescued a toddler from the heat of the oven. In the event that recorded for one minute, it looks a toddler was playing in the kitchen.

Suddenly it seemed curious toddler with an oven that burns in the kitchen so that he tried to grab the handle of the oven opening. It may result in the children exposed to heat in the oven.

Fortunately, there is a cat family are always invited to play the boy. Seeing the children went to the kitchen, the cat followed. When the child is about to open the oven is being lit, the cat immediately jumped up and grabbed the boy's arm and pushed him away from the oven.

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