Surprising findings about `Adam` Scientists

Surprising findings about `Adam` Scientists

Surprising findings about `Adam` Scientists

Scientists in a recent study concluded, the human was growing faster than previously thought. That they get after finding a way to indicate if all humans who can trace his ancestors lived.

Previously, the researchers say that human ancestors was a man who lived 250,000 years ago. The discovery of so-called 'Genetic Adam'.

However, the latest discovery is known that Adam lived about 100,000 years, faster than previously thought.

"It means we have evolved more quickly than we had expected. In addition, this study shows that the ancestors of men we were living together with the woman called 'Ikata Kari Stefaansson from research company deCODE Genetics genetikk code quoted from id of the pages of The Guardian, Saturday, March 28, 2015.

Stefansson added that all women on Earth currently has the DNA of Mitochondrial Eve. Genetic Adam and Eve were believed not the only man who lived at the time. Although they never met, the latest estimate of the existence of the two scientists who discovered considered more plausible.

If the human population as a whole is stable, the man had one son and one woman had a daughter, then there is likely every man sex male will lose paternal line. Instead every male offspring, for example boys of his daughter, will have a Y chromosome inherited from other men.

If my friend traveled back to the past, according to the theory, then there will only be one person who paternal line will not be interrupted until now: this is the Y chromosome Adam. The researchers determined the existence of Adam by comparing the Y chromosomes of 753 people of Iceland, which are also grouped into 274 paternal line.

The researchers used a 'molecular clock', which is based on the number of DNA mutations that appear for each generation, to estimate the age of Adam. The study, published in the journal Nature Genetics, find another fact that the genetic age of Adam took place between 174 000 and 321 000 years ago.

Meanwhile, Eve genetic estimated to have walked on the Earth about 200,000 years ago. Previously, the researchers estimated the age of Adam approximately 50,000 years to 500,000 years ago, which showed a discrepancy with the emergence of ancestral Eve.

Some researchers conclude, the discrepancy may be because Adam did polygamy.

"Both sexes are inseparable," said Stefansson. "No matter how many women have children, surely half men and half women"

Stefansson colleagues, Agnar Helgason, said the latest findings could improve the dating of human evolution, such as when humans first migrated out of Africa and arrived in Europe.

"We want to know where we came from and when," he said. "It gives us a little more solid information about when."

Previous research also shows that humans develop faster before. Research conducted by the University of Wisconsin was found that at least 7% of human genes have undergone recent evolution.

Some of the evolution that occurs as a white color and blue eyes in northern Europe, resistant malaria in some populations in Africa and the emergence of a gene that allows lactose is digested.

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