This is because Dangerous Drinking Sea Water & Can Trigger Death

This is because Dangerous Drinking Sea Water & Can Trigger Death

Many old sea legend tells sailors stranded and drink sea water becomes insane or even death. Not a mere figment, sea water can indeed be toxic and drinking too much salty water can be fatal.

Drinking too much fresh water is also dangerous, but only in extreme amounts. While drinking sea water can kill faster than fresh water.

Cells balance
Every function of the body depends on the balance between the substance inside the cells and substances outside the cell membrane.

These substances including proteins, salts and fluids. Most substances can move in and out of the cell as needed with the water moves very easily across cell membranes.

What Happens When Drinking Sea Water?
The sea water is about three times more salty than blood. Drinking sea water will flood the body with salt and destroy the balance of substances inside and outside the cell.

That's when the body switches into crisis mode. Water leaks out of the cells to dilute the salt and flow out of the body so that the cell loses too much water and dehydrated.

Influence of Sea Water Drinking

Symptoms of too much to drink sea water include nausea and vomiting, swelling in the legs and hallucinations. Other symptoms that may occur include seizures, coma, brain damage and kidney failure, depending on the amount of sea water consumed.

Water intoxication
Fresh water is only harmful if consumed in large quantities. Fresh water can also disrupt the balance of substances in and out of cells, but only in very large quantities. This condition is known as hypoatremia or water intoxication.

Although too much salt can kill, the body still needs some salt to survive. When fresh water to drink large amounts of salt too much going flushed out of the body.

Effects Hypoatremia
Hypoatremia symptoms include nausea, slurred speech, disorientation and muscle cramps. In extreme cases, water intoxication cause seizures, coma, brain damage and death.

Water intoxication is rare. Keep in mind that it remains important, it provides the body with enough water every day. Do not let concerns on water poisoning cause you drink too little to cause dehydration.

Water poisoning most often affects athletes who lose salt through sweat. Harmful drinking sea water, although swallow a little water on the sea shore will not kill you. But remember, do not deliberately drink sea water in large quantities because it can be life threatening.

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