DREAMS: Productive vs. Consumer

DREAMS: Productive vs. Consumer

Dreams aka dreams ...

Many people who do not understand, what it Dreams? And the more people who do not peduli..bahkan booed whose name dreams. Even when we have not been successful and we talk about dreams, most people usually pout and consider us crazy. And the funny thing again, those who deride our dreams are mostly the people closest to our own, which affects 90% of our lives.

This is normal, because the name of Dreams, is something that is not (or rather not) visible, and the more skeptical people are basically invisible to hal2. But believe me, DREAMS who built the world we live in. DREAMS is what makes South Korea as advanced as it is now, and that makes this DREAMS former useless man could have the authority to become Contributors in this forum.

I'm not going to discuss at length about Dreams here, because that's not the theme. I wish to discuss here is: Dreams as if that has unlimited power and always pushing us to Leveling Up?

When asked: "What is your dream?", The answer is certainly berbeda2, but this general Answer2 always appear:
1. Have a mansion
2. Buy a luxury car
3. The family happy and wealthy
4. Can jalan2 abroad
5. Can enjoy life while relaxing, with the amount of money increases continuously (passive income)

Is it wrong that? Not one sich, but the name is NOT Dreams ... it is simply DESIRE aka "pengen2" an. If the answer is simply that, almost everyone in the world is also the same answer. And the hal2 hardly will spur us to act and think more.

And as if these dreams? Dreams are something we want very stubborn, and very SPECIFIC. Remember, SPECIFIC! And should we have to be careful, because dreams itself is divided into two, namely Dreams Dreams productive and consumptive.

There is absolutely nothing wrong if we have dreams2 consumptive, but make it a habit for us to accompany the productive dreams. Why? Because the consumer Dreams often make us complacent at a certain level, but productive Dreams will make us more productive, and create the next dreams2.

For example, if our dreams are wish to buy a BMW series 5. Now we've got the BMW 5 series, we will feel very satisfied. But after that, we will lose the next destination. We'll fall asleep because our goal has been reached, and finally we were stuck at that level while enjoying our lives with the consumer. Well, that's what dreams are productive, because productive dreams will offset it.

Suppose Dreams same consumptive, want to buy a BMW series 5. But if we have a productive Dreams, for example want to have 100 branch in Indonesia, the BMW 5 Series is also actually be very useful in shaping the next bisnis2, because BMW 5 series is making us more believed in building business relationships, and makes us more comfortable in traveling to many branch that we have.

Therefore, from now on, think dreams are more productive than your consumer dream2. Focus on earning your dreams, and imperceptibly you will be more easy to meet consumer kebutuhan2 you.

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